The Time Has Come
A Note from Pastor Patrick Blackmon
Church family, the time has come for us to gather again
corporately, and worship in the sanctuary. Philippians 4:4-5
says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is
at hand.” We have waited for several weeks, missing our
corporate fellowship, and on Sunday, May 31, we will
spend time rejoicing together. Over the weeks we have
blown our horns, sang in our homes and in our cars
celebrating the King of Kings is still on his throne. As we
regather may the meditations of our hearts overflow in our
On Sunday, May 31 we will celebrate through ordaining
Zach Byrd our Youth Pastor into ministry during the
morning service. Zach has been a gift from God, and
passionate in his call to ministry. Will you mark your
calendar to celebrate this special time with us?
Because of Covid-19 we have incorporated some changes
in our regathering. We believe in creating a safe and
worshipful environment for all of our members and our
guests. To help incorporate our changes, our deacon
ministry team will help each of you from the parking lot to
your seats. However, if you are not feeling well, please stay
home. Also, if you are not quite ready to return, we
understand and want you to continue joining us online.
In addition to our corporate worship, we will begin Family
Fun nights starting June 14. Family fun nights are designed
for us as a church to serve and love where we live during
our normal Sunday night service. This is a time for us to be
the hands and feet of Jesus in our Buford community.
Details are included in this newsletter.
We love you,
Pastor Patrick
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