Relate Student Ministries Update June 2020
A Note from Youth Pastor Zach Byrd
Greetings BBC youth and families, this year has been an interesting year for us as
a church family and unfortunately we have been forced to reschedule or cancel
many activities for the summer. One of those cancellations includes the Myrtle
Beach Missions Trip planned for June 23-28. With that being said, we are still
planning a local missions trip from June 25-28. Instead of travelling to the beach, we will be hosting the event in
our facility here at BBC. AFO Ministries will be leading the event and we will continue to be involved in local
mission work, small group bible studies, worship times and other fun activities. We also plan to partner with
other churches just like in the past. We hope that we can provide the same experience that our students have
enjoyed previously while also allowing them to serve and grow in Christ. I also want to inform you that there is
no final deposit due as we will now be covering all costs with the $50 deposit given earlier. This will still cover
lodging, meals, T-shirt and any other materials necessary. If you have already given the full amount we are
working now to refund everyone their money. I am thankful for everyone’s understanding and I look forward to
seeing how God will work in and through us in the coming months. I will hold a meeting on June 17 after
Wednesday night service at approximately 8:00 pm to answer any questions you may have. If anything comes
up before then, feel free to contact me. Finally, I am excited to inform you all that we will begin youth group
meetings on our church campus once again starting Sunday night, May 31 at 6:00 pm. I hope to see you all
again very soon.
Youth Pastor Zach
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