Bus Reservation Form Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Person Reserving Bus* First Last Phone*Date Requesting for The Reservation* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name or Person Signing for the Keys* First Last Do you have a driver that is on the approved drivers list?* Yes No In order to reserve the bus, you will need to have a driver that is on the approved drivers list. If you would like to find out information about getting approved, please contact the church office.Name of Driver that is on the Approved Drivers List* First Last Please List the name of the driver that will be driving the bus.Date Keys to be picked up* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date Keys To Be Returned* MM slash DD slash YYYY Start Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM What time will you need the reservation to startEnd Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM What Time will you be done or finishedEvent Taking Place or destination you will be driving to*Please give us a brief description of the reason for reserving the church bus?Is this a church related function?* Yes No Consent* I agree to the church's policy.The person reserving the church bus must have a driver that is on the approved drivers list. The person reserving the bus must be a member of Bethlehem Baptist Church and 21 years of age or older. They also must be present on the bus This person will be responsible for picking up the keys to the buildings and returning the key to the church office. What is 1 + 3?This prevents spam. Answer the question and the submit button will pop up.What is 1 + 3? Answer the question and the submit button will pop up.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ